About us
Who are we? We are an organization by students for students, the Student Union of Skövde, also known as SiS. We monitor and ensure the quality of your education, work with the labour market to connect you with the work force even before you graduate as well as arrange student-social activities, such as events and parties! Want to get involved? Check out our associations and your section for a chance to make an impact.
Follow our social media and swing by our kansli in the F building to meet us in person to know more!
Find our documents here https://arkiv.studentkaren.se/

Education Monitoring
The Student Union is represented in all decision-making bodies at the University. We participate in reviewing and approving course plans to ensure a student perspective is included. We handle cases from individual students experiencing issues with their education, specific courses, or teachers, and we try to assist them to the best of our ability. We are also represented in the disciplinary board, which deals with cases where students are accused of misconduct, such as cheating.
We also appoint student representatives in various working groups, ranging from temporary groups for hiring new teachers to the University Board. Are you interested in getting involved? Currently, we have several vacant positions, so please feel free to contact our chairperson!
Employment Work
Time at the University usually flies by faster than one might think. Before you know it, your education is complete, and it’s time to search for a job! To facilitate this transition for you, the Student Union works extensively to promote connections between students and the business world. For example, we organize the annual job fair “Framtid,” where companies showcase themselves, and you get the opportunity to discuss summer jobs, thesis work, and employment after graduation. We also arrange various job market days, guest lectures, and other events of interest.
If you are interested in contributing to this work and establishing further connections with companies, working during the “Framtid” fair is a fantastic opportunity to get in close contact with companies within your field of study. Feel free to contact our project leader for “Framtid” if you have any questions or are interested in getting involved!
Introduction / Kick-Off
At the beginning of each autumn semester, the Student Union in Skövde organizes a larger introduction, and for the spring semester, a smaller intro (sometimes referred to as “nollning,” “inspark,” etc.), to welcome new students to the University and Skövde. To assist us, we have invaluable mentors (“faddrar”) who take care of students from specific programs. With the help of these mentors, we arrange everything from ice-breaking games to parties, city walks in Skövde, and the big annual raft race.
Study Environment Work
We are constantly working to improve the work environment for you as a student. We conduct safety rounds together with the school’s safety representatives and inspect all facilities. Our sections and the study-social committee continuously work to enhance the study environment in various ways. We also strive for gender equality and against discrimination at the University.
Do you have something to contribute? Is there anything at the school that bothers you? Are more refrigerators needed somewhere? Are there certain rooms with poor ventilation? Get in touch with our Student Union President!
Become a member
Becoming a member, you not only provide yourself with a basic sense of security and a more rewarding study experience but also contribute to improving the situation for all students.
As a member of the student union, you also have a say in shaping the focus of the student union!
Our associations
About SköSex
Skövde Sexmästeri (SköSex) is a party association for students studying at
the University of Skövde. The members are people who want to have as much
fun as possible during our tenure as students and also want to enrich the
student life in Skövde. We are the people who run and take care of our dear
Kårhus (Kårhuset Boulogner, also known as KB, the Student Union bar).
As a member you’ll be invited to exclusive hangouts, meet tons of wonderful
people, be able to expand your CV with work experience, among many other
things. You don’t need any prior experience to join
Other associations
Sub-associations are groups of committed students who work on various activities to promote student life on campus and the college itself. They are organizations that work to ensure that you have a richer study time! All students are welcome to take part in the associations’ activities and events. There is something for everyone! So take the opportunity to join in the fun or join a board to help create a vibrant and active college!